Industrial Training Service Supplier Quality Assurance program ensures your purchased items are manufactured, constructed, inspected and tested according to your specifications and quality requirements. All too often, quality problems are sometimes the fault of your supplier and can cost you lost time and money.

Industrial Training Service can help you prevent supplier quality problems before they happen.

Supplier Quality Assurance program contains the following sections:
Supplier Management
Quality Process/Parts Audits
Quality Surveillance Audit readiness and support
On-site Inspection
Gage Studies
Harness Testing
CMM Work
Corrective and Preventive Action Facilitation
K.P.I. and B.O.S. Level Data
Maintenance Programs

Depending on your needs, you have the freedom to choose the above sections separately or combined, to help you ensure the quality of your product or project.

Quality Process Audits

Industrial Training Service will examine and evaluate your supplier and its ability to comply with your Purchase Order Requirements, or in certain circumstances, prior to a contract.

Quality Process Audits are conducted to ensure a supplier continues to use an approved Quality Plan for their manufacturing.

Industrial Training Service Quality Process Audits are performed in accordance with a pre-designed check-list, in an unbiased manner and in accordance with ISO/TS standards.

Quality Surveillance

Throughout the duration of a contract, Industrial Training Service will arrange visits to your supplier's facilities to ensure strict adherence to your quality requirements.

On-Site Inspection

Industrial Training Service will provide on-site inspection services in your supplier's facilities. The inspections are usually Hold Points in an Inspection/Test Plan, which are performed according to your specifications and requirements.

Key Benefits

  • Ensures your suppliers are providing you with quality products
  • Saves you time and money
  • Instills customer confidence
  • Ensures ISO Standard Compliance
  • Ensures Customer Satisfaction
  • Ensures Job Security