• Certificate of Recognition

What is COR™ certifications?

CORS stands for Certificate of Recognition which is an accreditation program by Infrastucture Health and Saftey Association (IHSA). The system is meant to verify a construction-related company's health and safety program to a specific standard.

When you achieve COR™ certification, this means that your company has demonstratoed that your company has done more than what the law requires to ensure the health and saftey of their workers. COR is a very high standard.

COR is not only for large companies but also for small and medium sized contractors.

How can ITS help you achive COR™ certifications?

In order to become COR™ certified, a company needs to change their philosophy on safety and the way they perform, document, and manage its activities. When you commit to adopting COR™ it is a big commitment. The level of commitment ranges from top management down to the worker. This means that top management must understand and know what is going on in related to the COR™ system.

This is where Indistraial Training can help your company achieve COR™ certification. We can perform a GAP analysis and show you where your company is in regards to safety and where you need to be in order to be COR™ certified.

Based on the 19 elementes of COR™, we will guide you through the process of implementing a COR™ program. We will train and guide you through the entire process.

How will COR™ help my company?

The benefit of the certification is that you have implemented a safety system that meets and exceeds regulation requirements. In turn, it will lower your risk of hazzard within the site and in turn reduce the number of loss time injuries.